pa05 : Expression Trees

num ready? description assigned due
pa05 true Expression Trees Tue 05/30 09:00AM Thu 06/08 11:59PM

PA5 can be done either in two-people teams or individually.

Create a new git repo following the correct naming convention. Add your partner as a collaborator and join the same group on submit.cs. Clone your git repo to your cs24 directory on CSIL. Be sure to push intermediate versions of your code to github after you complete EVERY function in this assignment.

Get the starter code by doing a git pull in the starter-code repo and then copying over to your git repo directory. You must have the files express.h and expresstest.cpp

  1. Implement class ExpressionTree as it is defined in express.h. Your implementation must be in a new file that you create named express.cpp.
  1. Compile and test your programs at CSIL. You may use expresstest.cpp for that purpose. The program will run one of nine tests, and here are sample results from our solution, showing each of the nine tests being run.

  2. Submit express.cpp for project PA5 at, or use the following command from a CS terminal:

~submit/submit -p 753 express.cpp

Be sure to wait for the results of all nine tests. If you score 100/100 and you’ve followed all of the other rules, then you’ll earn full credit.

Special thanks to C. Michael Costanzo and Michael Main, University of Colorado, creator of many parts of this project.